로그인 회원가입

한바탕 일하기 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • stroke
  • 한바탕    한바탕 a round; a bout; a (short) spell; a
  • 일하기    operation
  • 한바탕    한바탕 a round; a bout; a (short) spell; a scene; a fall(씨름). ~ 부는 바람 a gust[blast] of wind. ~ 울다 cry for a spell. ~ 시합하다 have a (hot) game[bout]. ~ 싸우다 have a passage of arms / make a (hard) fight /
  • 한바탕 … 하는 동안    bout
  • 한바탕 불기    blow
  • 일하기 싫어하기    work shy
  • 동일하기    identity
  • 일하기 싫어하는    work shy
  • 한바닥    한바닥 the central part; the heart; the center. 시장 ~ the center[heart] of a market (place).
  • 한바퀴    한바퀴 one[a] round; a turn; a lap(경기장의). ~ 돌다 take a turn / go round / make a tour / (담당 구역을) go one's rounds. 공원을 ~ 돌다 take a walk through the park. 연못을 ~ 돌다 go round a pond. 세계를 ~ 돌다 travel round t
  • 바탕    바탕11 [성질] nature; (a) disposition; temperament; temper; character; [재질] endowments; gifts; ability; talent; [소지·소질] an inclination; the making; [체질] (physical) constitution. ~이 좋은 사람 a man of good d
  • 하기    하기 [下記] the writing given below; the following; the undermentioned statements[paragraphs]. ~와 같이 as in the following / as follows / as undermentioned[underwritten] / as given[listed] hereunder. ~의 t
  • 괴상한바람    ominous wind
  • 요한바오로    john paul
  • 한바 도모에    tomoe hanba
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